Soul's Home

Soul's Home

I know right
For me, for everyone perhaps..
It's tough
To leave the house you thought to be your future heaven on earth
The house you designed with details of your personality on every side
The place you put on your prayer and hope for dreamy happy life

These mozaics of happiness, peacefulness and fulfillment, obviously, haven't finished to be woven yet.. 
They need to be perfected with another level intention called life purpose..
What is that?
Those are wings that will fly you where you suppose to be..

At the end of the day you know by your heart that physical house is not matter
What's matter is home.. 
You can be in a perfect house that your head's desire but don't feel you belong to..
but at some point in your life you are in a humble hut in the wood and feel you are homed and welcomed..

Home is ...
where your soul fit in
When your heart find it's beat
And your breath smells the familiarity in every single air it takes..

It could be a house, a community or someone you just met yesterday in a rainy day..

~ a note before i go~
Catatan yang aku tulis pada 24 Agustus 2020, yaitu 3 minggu sebelum meninggalkan Muara Badak.


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